Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Beginning - Why start your own biz

Why start your own business?

To preface this, I do believe that starting your own business is not for everyone. To undertake a task like this a person needs to have the following traits:
  • Self-motivated: Nobody else is there to do this for you.
  • Ability to handle risk: You must be comfortable that you do not know how much your next paycheck will be (or if there will be one)
  • Think for yourself: Again, no one else is there to do this for you. As a business owner you will be bombarded by outside information. You need to be able to filter out what will truly benefit you and your business.
  • Listen to the advice of others: This may seem to be counter to the previous trait, but you need to have an "inner circle" of trusted advisors that you can turn to for help with difficult decisions and situations.
As for the reasons, there are many, but for me the most important were all related to having a better quality of life.

First, I wanted to be my own boss. I definitely was not a slave to the man for a long period of time, but in the 5 years that I worked for someone else I knew this was not for me. I have always been drawn to situations where if I put in extra effort I would gain from it. I like knowing my decisions will be the main factor in determining if I succeed or if I fail.

Second, I wanted to have a flexible work schedule. I don't mind working long hours as long as I work them when I want to. I also was getting ready to have my first kid and I wanted to be able to spend as much time with him as possible.

And lastly, I just wanted to see if I was up to the challenge. This might be something that ties me to my caveman ancestors, but I wanted to know if I could provide for myself through my own efforts. For those of you that have never done anything like this, there is something really satisfying knowing that you can wake up in the morning and go and do something that will make money without relying on anyone else.


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